Ojibway Parkway Wildlife Crossing Class Environmental Assessment

In 2020, the City of Windsor initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study for a Wildlife Crossing at Ojibway Parkway south of Broadway Boulevard. The purpose of this study is to re-establish an ecological connection between the natural areas associated with Black Oak Heritage Park and Ojibway Park. The Wildlife Crossing would provide a connection for local tallgrass prairie plant communities and safe passage opportunities for wildlife, including species at risk. The proposed Wildlife Crossing would thereby reduce landscape fragmentation through improvement of habitat connectivity in the Ojibway Prairie Complex. The Wildlife Crossing would also improve the safety of the travelling public on Ojibway Parkway by reducing wildlife-vehicle interactions. The Class EA process requires that various reasonable solutions shall be identified and evaluated to identify a preferred solution. 

Notice of Study Completion

Environmental Study Report

Public Review Period (August 1, 2024, to September 6, 2024)

The City has completed a draft of the Environmental Study Report (ESR) to consider the construction of a Wildlife Crossing over both Ojibway Parkway and the Essex Terminal Railway tracks, south of Broadway Boulevard. The ESR was endorsed by City of Windsor Council on July 22, 2024. The ESR is available for a Public Review Period from August 1, 2024, to September 6, 2024, in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment planning process. See 'Resources' section below to view the ESR.

Interested persons may provide written comments to the following project contact by September 6, 2024:

Michael Todd, P. Eng.
Project Administrator - Corporate Projects
City of Windsor

In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study, or that conditions be imposed only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requestor's contact information and full name. Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested; how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts on Aboriginal and treaty rights; and any information in support of the statements in the request. The request should be sent to the City staff identified above as well as the following contacts:

Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Director, Environmental Assessment Branch
Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks
135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor
Toronto, ON M4V 1P5


Public Information Centre (PIC) #3

Notice of Online Public Information Centre #3

Consultation with the public, Indigenous groups, key stakeholders, and regulatory agencies is an important component of the Class EA process. Public Information Centre #2 was held from April 19, 2021, to May 3, 2021. Key feedback received during this event was to consider a wildlife crossing that connects the Ojibway Park and Black Oak Heritage Park. Accordingly, the study team has identified and evaluated additional design options for the wildlife crossing and identified a preferred design that is proposed to cross the Ojibway Parkway and Essex Terminal Railway (ETR) tracks and will connect Ojibway Park with the natural areas associated with Black Oak Heritage Park. Public Information Centre #3 is being hosted to present the updated preferred design. This event is being hosted in two formats:

PIC #3 Virtual Public Consultation (Monday, December 18, 2023, to January 26, 2024): 

A project information package is being made available on this web page starting Monday, December 18, 2023. Interested individuals are invited to review this information on their own time and submit any comments by January 26, 2024 using the online comment form (see links below). 

PIC #3 In-Person Open House (Thursday, January 18, 2024): 

In addition to the virtual public consultation, the study team will be hosting an in-person open house on Thursday, January 18, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Ojibway Nature Centre (5200 Matchett Road, Windsor, Ontario, N9C 4E8). Interested individuals are invited to attend this event where they will have the opportunity to meet with study team members and ask any questions and submit comments. 

Public Information Centre (PIC) #2

Public Information Centre #2 - Virtual Consultation Platform (April 19, 2021)

Welcome to the City of Windsor's Public Information Centre #2 for the Ojibway Parkway Wildlife Crossing Schedule "C" Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Phases 1 to 4). Please review the detailed instructions provided below on how to navigate the virtual consultation platform and access various materials available on it.

Click to access the Virtual Consultation Platform.

You can access the following materials by panning around the virtual consultation platform and clicking on various symbols as outlined below:

  • Display Boards: There are 7 display boards that provide high-level overview of study information. To zoom in on one of the display boards, scroll up or double click on the space outside the display board you would like to zoom in on.
  • Presentation Slides: There are presentation slides provided under the purple folder icons 1 to 7 over the 7 display boards. These slides provide detailed information about the evaluation of alternative design concepts, the preliminary preferred design and next steps. You can download these slides from each section by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple folder icon and clicking on each title.
  • Preferred Design Drawing: Preferred Design Drawing is available for download by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple location symbol over the table located in the centre of the room and clicking on the drawing name.
  • Project Documentation: Public Information Centre #1 Summary Report and Evaluation of Alternative Design Concepts Memo are available for download by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple binary numbers symbol over the table (located by the window) and clicking on the memo titles.
  • Online Comment Form: An Online Comment Form is available for you to provide feedback on the study. You can access the Online Comment Form by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple circle symbol over Comment Form display and clicking on the Online Comment Form.

Public Information Centre (PIC) #2 Materials

The material provided on the virtual consultation platform can also be accessed by clicking on the following links:

A summary of the PIC #2 comments is provided as follows:

Public Information Centre (PIC) #1

Notice of Study Commencement and Online Public Information Centre #1

Public Information Centre #1 - Virtual Consultation Platform (November 19, 2020)

Welcome to the City of Windsor's Public Information Centre #1 for the Ojibway Parkway Wildlife Crossing Schedule "C" Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Phases 1 to 4). Please review the detailed instructions provided below on how to navigate the virtual consultation platform and access various materials available on it.

Click to access the Virtual Consultation Platform.

You can access the following materials by panning around the virtual consultation platform and clicking on various symbols as outlined below:

  • Display Boards: There are 6 display boards that provide high-level overview of study information. To zoom in on one of the display boards, scroll up or double click on the space outside the display board you would like to zoom in on. Clicking on a display board will download the display image.
  • Presentation Slides: There are a total of 26 presentation slides provided under the purple folder icons 1 to 6 over the 6 display boards. These slides provide detailed information on the study process. You can download these slides from each section by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple folder icon and clicking on each title (for example, Welcome, Study Overview, etc.).
  • Maps and Renderings: These materials are available for download by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple location symbol over the table located in the centre of the room and clicking on each title (for example, Natural Heritage [Map], Wildlife Crossing Rendering, etc.).
  • Project Documentation: The Evaluation of Alternatives Memo is available for download by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple binary numbers symbol over the table (located by the window) and clicking on the memo title.
  • Video/Animation of Preferred Solution: A video/animation of the Preferred Solution is available for your viewing by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple circle over the screen and clicking on the title.
  • Comment Form: An Online Comment Form is available for you to provide feedback on the study. You can access the Comment Form by hovering your mouse arrow over the purple circle symbol over Comment Form display and clicking on the Online Comment Form.

Public Information Centre (PIC) #1 Materials

The material provided on the virtual consultation platform can also be accessed by clicking on the following links:

A summary of the PIC #1 comments is provided as follows:

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Michael Todd, P. Eng.
Project Administrator
City of Windsor
350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6100 ext. 6407
Email: mtodd@citywindsor.ca

Nathan Hellinga, B. Sc., CPESC, CAN-CISEC
Consultant Team Lead
WSP E&I Canada Limited
900 Maple Grove Road, Unit 10
Cambridge, Ontario, N3H 4R7
Phone: (226) 204-1416
Email: nathan.hellinga@wsp.com